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“Ah... don’t you feel so sorry for abusing my poor lips Eva?” he asked, smiling at her with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

That had her thrown off a little but she cleared her throat as retorted. “I don’t think that’s abuse Mr. Acheron. I am only doing my task.”

She went back to her seat immediately and then returned her gaze to her tablet. As if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. As though what she had done earlier was just one of the business tasks that she had on her checklist to be settled.
The corner of his mouth lifted up wryly and he half-bite on his lower lip before releasing it slowly.

“Did I scare you last night, Eva?” he finally asked, his eyes fully focussed on her. His voice was playful as he observed her reaction, interested to know whether that kiss really had an effect on her or not.

She paused and he saw the tips of her ears reddening. Good. At least, there was still an obvious effect. He had thought for a second there that his charms were totally ineffective on this little lady.

“Of course not.” came her straight reply, her tone neutral, a stark comparison to the dark red hue decorating the tips of her ears. “It was just a kiss. Why should I be scared?”

The car had stopped before Gage could respond.
Eva was quick to grab the car door’s handle and had already hastily got off while Gage just sat there stunned as he watched the little tigress running away from him.

He could tell that she was being extremely cautious of him now. And with all those alarm clocks she had set on her phone… he could tell that his smart and cautious little tigress would never forget her task again. At least not intentionally.

But as he stepped out of the car and watched her small back entering the main door of his mansion, an expression that looked like a half-smile and half-challenge flashed across his face. And that smile was something that might not bode well for the little tigress, Eva.

After showering, Eva hastily rushed over to Gage’s room.

She breathed out in relief after seeing that he was not there yet, and she once again wished that he would not join her in his bed again like the last time.

It was easy for her to ignore him when she was working. But here in his comfortable and warm bed, she knew it will be hard to do the same. Because Gage just had something in him that could make any woman be drawn to him even with him doing nothing but just sitting there.

Gage was the type of man who could make any woman beg for his attention, his love, his everything. And that was the type of man she would never want to have anything to do with. She did not want to fall for any man. Not right now and especially not with Gage Acheron.

Yes, he had been nothing but nice to her. But Julian had also really been an angel to her for years. Though Julian had never been as attentive to her as how Gage was, Julian had also been nice and gentlemanly before that very night. Julian had thought her the bitter and cruel reality that no matter how nice someone treated her, that was just not enough. Because that nice treatment could be fake and a pretence all along.

Eva did not want to open her heart and trust in anyone again. At least, not for now when her wounds were still so raw and new. She did not know when she would ever willingly open her heart again, but she had planned not to until she got her absolute revenge. And that would obviously take a long while. If she was to be realistic, it might take months or even way longer.

She was so sure of herself that nothing could distract her from her goal. Nothing would. Until Gage kissed her last night. And that one mind-blowing kiss was enough to make her realize that it only needed one wrong move and she might end up as a little prey completely at Gage’s mercy.

So, she was going to stand her ground. He had said it himself anyway, that as long as she could do her task, she had nothing else to worry about.
“Relax, Eva,” his deep voice almost jolted her off the bed. “I don’t want you lying there in my bed like I’m going to do something uncivilized to you.” his dark and lazy voice floated over to her.

She shot him a suspicious glance and saw him leaning against the doorframe. His relaxed stance as he crossed his hands over his front made her press her lips tightly together. She could not help but stare at his tussled and slightly damp hair that was half-covering his eyes. Though she was unwilling, she had to admit that his whole person was truly a sight for sore eyes – even for her, who was not looking for eye candy right now.

“I think it’s impossible for me to relax when lying in a man’s bed. So do bear with it, Mr. Acheron.” She said in a clipped tone. Her whole body tensed up even more as she saw him walk over.

“Hmm…” he walked towards her. Somehow, his movements and everything about him right now seemed pretty relaxed and kind of non-threatening at all. Well, it was not that he was scary. But tonight, he did not seem to feel as dangerous as the night before. Maybe because he had not teased her at all today or approached her too closely and looked at her with that certain gaze of his which could be termed as just pure sin.

He sat on the other side of the bed and just stretched out and laid down next to her. She watched him shut his eyes as he breathed out in relaxation and then spoke so casually, as though they were discussing the stock markets.

“I honestly want to prove you wrong right now. But knowing you, you’d probably punch me in the face for real and not with your mouth, but your fist this time if I tried doing anything.”


Stephanie Jones

Hmm 🤔 I wonder how long can she keep this up.

Beverly Edenfield

I don't think she can keep this wall up against him for long