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 “You’re my doctor.” Time crash is a heartwarming and hilarious tribute to the fifth doctor Peter Davison! In other words, Just some average wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff.




Would you ever be willing to do a few Classic Who stories? There's a bunch of great ones we could suggest to give a nice overview of the different facets and aspects of it :)


I plan to check out a few stories after series 6 with Sarah Jane and Torchwood finished. I don’t know if those will be posted reactions or not. It just depends on how much I enjoy the classic shows.


You mention not knowing that The Master is from Classic Who here - so sad little fact: For the original Master (Roger Delgado) the show had planned to reveal that he was the Doctor's brother for a season finale, however unfortunately Roger Delgado passed in a car accident before it was filmed. Because of this, though, that twist never became canonized and the Master became a Moriarty-esque figure with multiple different incarnations


Oh wow, that would have certainly changed the show. Sad that Roger Delgado passed, but I wonder if The master would have had the longevity if they'd gone the brother route.