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This wrecked me. That’s the most I’ve cried in a very long time. A gripping and emotional story and one where I’m truly glad to have experienced without knowing a single thing before hitting play. 

YouTube Link: https://youtu.be/r4ZO-WYZbM0



Tom Servo

Facts. Totally blind IS the way to go. It leaves all your senses and cognitive faculties online and receptive, not just the ones you assume you'll need.


Completely agree! I was trying to get my sister to watch it, but she wanted me to tell her about it and I was like, I don't want to 😅


Chris, whlie I'm sorry that my choice emotionally put you through the ringer, I'm also happy that you were so deeply affected by it (more so than I even expected actually). It's movies like this that really help emphasize exactly WHY I'm so adamant about not knowing anything before you watch a movie. Sometimes the summaries pretty much spoil the entire movie, or spoil an experience that you WOULD have had being surprised by it otherwise. You clearly remembered what I told you about this movie being an adaptation of a book that itself was inspired by a true story. And as you mentioned at the end, you know that there are people who have been through situations like this....well... The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Emma Donoghue, and takes inspiration from the real-life case of Elisabeth Fritzl. This is a brief summary of the actual story that was the inspiration for this. (Be warned, even reading the summary is really shudder-inducing) https://news.sky.com/story/who-is-josef-fritzl-the-rapist-who-kept-his-daughter-locked-in-a-cellar-for-24-years-12878269 And although that was the specific case that inspired this story/movie, this type of thing is sadly far more common than anyone would ever want it to be. I used to live in Cleveland, Ohio, and I still live very near there. In 2013, when the story broke of Ariel Castro, a man who kept three women imprisoned in his home for 11 years, it was a nationwide story, but it was a HUGE story for all of us locally. https://people.com/crime/ariel-castro-kidnappings-cleveland-survivors-timeline/


No need for sorry! I appreciated the experience and oddly it set me up for a great day of recording for everything I watched after. Thank you for sharing these true stories with us. It's hard to imagine people are capable of such evil, yet there are far too many stories like these.