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Got to say, i did had some fun on working on this xD even doing the side by side comparason was interesting when i was seeing how the scene came and comparing it with how i drew it, plus the changes i made. I tried to Somewhat emulate the same color tones, though in my case, everything looks a bit more dark and soft in comparason with the sharp lightings and effects from the scene of this Hentai.

And yes, i added a massive dick to Ender, just for the Lolz xD I mean, as far as i remember in the Angel Blade Hentai, these girls are fighting against horny mutants, and Mutant chicks with dicks, and the girls are using tech that emulates the powers of the mutants in a way, like a reverse engineering thing, so...... them having a massive set of dick and balls could be a possible side effect.

... i am such a massive Coommer >->;;;

