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  • fap boner.mp4



Saw this one forever ago and had been meaning to do it. Such a mood, truly. Kinda funny timing because I just switched the YouTube channel icon back to the Smileybomb. I go back and forth about this - on one hand, it feels weird for a YouTube channel to ever, EVER change its icon. It's like, who are you and what have you done with the channel I subscribed to. On the other hand, I actually don't even like that old headshot of me, I feel like it doesn't even look like me. I had originally used it just because I was trying to dive harder into more professional VO stuff and uh.. well. Lmao. Look how that turned out. It's a shitpost channel now, and became one almost immediately after starting that pursuit.

Since then I always wanted to change the PFP to be, at the time, Smileyblue from Diabotical, just because he's a funny lil guy and was at the time often used around my streams and stuff as a cute little joke/reference thing. He was just around all the time. I pushed hard for Diabotical in its time. Then I ended up with my own dumb idea of referencing Just Two Things (Smileyblue and Serious Sam) and that ended up becoming practically a logo. Smileybomb. Who now has hundreds of pieces of fanart. Some of it's porn. Good porn. Funny how the world works. I always liked smiley faces since I was a kid. Seriously, I'm practically a Glaggleland Passholder. I always felt like the Smileybomb design really fit the channel's output a lot better than some boring old headshot of some white dude (me) - it makes sense to me that if you're just browsing through a ton of dumb memes (which is all my channel is now), you'd have a little smiley face there. And it makes me happy just looking at him. Like a freshly fapped boner.





Very poetic