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Apologies, the next part of Programmed for Love has been delayed to next week! Hope you enjoy this one though! 

By FoxFaceStories

A Commission for Al

The explorer ship Tiresias is nearing the end of its voyage when it is suddenly rerouted to check out a strange signal emanating from the surface of one of the moons of Jupiter. Liam Macklin is a young engineer on the ship, which has a complement of only six. But when he is the one to uncover a strange artefact, his life is changed forever. Slowly, as they voyage back to Mars, his body begins to feminise, in order to better house the new alien life that is growing within him . . .

First Part

Previous Part

Next Part 

Part 5: The Second Thing

On the advice of the Mars Government, the Tiresias slowed her approach as various officials and scientists worked to figure out containment protocols and care for Liam. The crew were not happy about this; it meant that rather than arriving at Olympus Base in two months (six total from Ganymede), they would be arriving in three-and-a-half. Liam was none too happy either. Not only did he feel guilty to be the cause of the delay, but he was also aware that he would be a whopping seven-and-a-half months pregnant by that point. By human terms, the baby would effectively be viable for delivery. Not to mention how much further changed he would be!

“Surely they can get things organised by then?” he said wearily to the Captain.

Hardigan was gruff about it himself, sipping away at his bulb of coffee. “One would think. But the situation’s political. Powerful people on Mars and Earth are jockeying over this. And as much as our own Dr Rotar’s anxieties are rubbing us all the wrong way, some of his concerns are not entirely wrong. We don’t know what’s in you, Liam, and Katz hasn’t had much more luck getting readings on your womb. We’ll have a transfer of better scanning equipment and maternity supplies on connection with a joining Mars-Earth ship, but they don’t want anyone else ‘exposed’ to you, just in case.”

Liam sighed, rubbing his belly slightly. The child within him was sleeping at that point, or at least not stirring. He almost wanted it to shift again. The sensation, oddly, calmed him. Made him feel like it wasn’t a monster he was growing, but something innocent instead. A small consolation, of sorts.

“I’m not a danger,” he said. “I know I’m not.”

“I suspect you’re not too, son, but would you risk an entire planet’s safety on a suspicion?”

Hardigan had a point, so Liam conceded it.

“Permission to return to work then, sir?”

“Permission granted, provided it’s a half-shift. We want you relaxing plenty, okay?”

“I know, I know. I’m a ‘growing gal’, as Petyr keeps telling me.”

“Well, permission granted to throw something durable at his head.”

Liam chuckled before moving off to his duties. As he did so, he passed Abel Rotar. The man was no longer wearing a crude face mask, but had unearthed a proper sealed oxygen mask for emergencies. He glared maliciously at Liam as he floated passed, not saying a word. It sent a chill down Liam’s spine. There was something terrifying in the doctor’s demeanour, something paranoid that made him protectively hold his stomach.


“Woah, slow down there Liam!” Adam Kim exclaimed. “There’s only so many rations to go around!”

Liam blushed and wiped his mouth. His lips had become a little fuller lately, and he was aware of it when he touched them.

“Sorry,” he said, sucking up the last of the sludge from the ration tube. “Just so damn hungry lately. Second trimester woes, I guess. The book said this would happen.”

“The book?” Petyr asked.

“The one that Katz downloaded for me. What to Expect When You’re Expecting, 12th Edition. It’s . . . pretty useful, actually.”

Petyr smirked. “Whoever would have thought a man on this ship would read a book like that, huh?”

Katz joined them, sitting down. The balding older man gave Petyr an admonishing look as he took some ration tubes for himself. “You need to expand your consciousness a little, Petyr. I myself have read it twice.”

“You have?” asked Liam.

The medical officer smiled. “I have two daughters, Liam.”

“You do?” Petyr said.

“Why haven’t I heard of this?” Adam added.

Katz shrugged. “You never asked. Every man should know what a woman goes through in pregnancy. We men think we’re tough, but when you understand the science of what goes through a woman’s body during that time - the hormonal changes, the physical structural changes, bone shifts, the process of birth, and so on - you realise that we men have it easy.”

“You hear that, Liam?” Adam said, jabbing him with his elbow. “You’re the toughest one here!”

Liam winced. “Damn straight, but please don’t jab me there. It’s starting to . . . blow out.”

He was wearing a loose top that only really pulled tight around his growing breasts and belly, but in response to Adam’s confusion he pulled the shirt to one side so that could see just how big that belly was growing. Sure enough, while Liam’s waistline had thinned considerably to a more womanly dimension, it was now filling out at the sides as his belly rounded out, the amniotic fluid giving it a slight curve at the side.

Adam went bright red. “Oh, damn! Sorry. If it’s any consolation, maybe it shows that I still think of you as one of the guys?”

Liam rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. Try feeling that way in a couple of months. I can still feel the changes happening. I’m sore in a lot of places right now. Sore and hungry while I eat for two here. Stupid alien artefact knocking me up . . .”

He ate more in response to his stomach growling.

“More changes, eg?” Petyr said. “Including . . .”

“Including my damn new tits, you dog, yes. Seriously, my nipples are on fire right now, so neither of you get to make any jokes at all, got it?”

“Scout’s honour,” Adam said.

Petyr was not so willing. “I reserve the right to make some jokes. I would be remiss to mention, comrade, that you are looking a little softer in the face lately too.”

“Go fuck yourself, Petyr.”

He sagged at the table. “Alas, I will have to, thanks to this delay.”

Katz, who had been silent for a time, spoke. “Well, at least we finally have a proper mascot for our ship in our Liam here.”

The others, including Liam, looked his way.

“What do you mean?” the transforming man asked

Katz sighed. “Kids these days, not knowing the classics. And I mean the real classics. Tiresias is an Ancient Greek mythic character. He was transformed into a woman for seven years by the goddess Hera after displeasing her when he hit two mating snakes with a stick. During this time, he became married and even birthed children, and after those seven years he came across the same pair of snakes again, and this time left them alone. He was turned back into a man. Of course, when Zeus and Hera had an argument over which sex gained the most pleasure from sex, they naturally consulted Tiresias. He said ‘of ten parts a man enjoys one only.’”

“Wise man,” Petyr said. “It’s the one bane of being such a Casanova. Knowing I shall never be as pleased as the women I please.”

“Yeah, right,” Adam remarked. “So that’s where we get the name of our ship? I just assumed it was named after some older ship or something. I never thought to ask.”

“And now,” Katz said, “you know why Liam becoming a woman feels quite appropriate. He is our Tiresias.”

Liam gulped down more rations. “Great. So I can count on ‘only’ being a woman for seven years?”

“Maybe don’t step on the Ganymede snakes next time,” Adam cracked. “Or insulting the moon goddess somehow.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

“At least you get the nine parts of enjoyment as a woman,” Petyr said with a grin. “You can confirm Tiresias’ view in the modern day!”

“Pass. Even if I do even up growing a pussy - which I will do my best not to do - I have no plans to use it for anything except to push this alien baby out.”

“What a waste!”

“Of course,” Katz continued over the top of Petyr’s whining, “when Tiresias gave this answer, Hera was displeased again, for she believed a man got most of the pleasure. In anger, she struck Tiresias blind on the spot.”

Adam whistled. “Damn. Harsh.”

“Of course, Zeus took some pity, and gifted him with the power of foresight and prophecy. The ability to see beyond the realms of this world. Fascinating stuff, Greek myth.”

“Yeah,” Liam said. “F-fascinating. I’ve . . . gotta go pee.”

The others looked his way, obviously seeing some strange look on his face.

“What? This thing moves now. It’s sitting on my damn bladder. I pee a lot now. Don’t make jokes, Petyr.”

“Are you okay?” Adam asked.

“Yeah. I just need a moment. Hormones and shit. Pregnant woman stuff. You wouldn’t understand.”

“I certainly wouldn’t,” he chuckled. “Well, you take care, Liam. I hope the little one isn’t annoying you too much.”

Liam rubbed his belly a little meaningfully. It really did look bigger than a woman’s should after just four and a bit months, but who could tell with alien weirdness?

“She’s not. She’s rather . . . nice, sometimes.”

Liam got up and walked away, heading up the ladder to the zero-grav section of the ship. He heard the thin voice of Petyr whispering as he left.

“Did Liam just call his little alien baby a ‘she’?”

But the transforming man’s mind was elsewhere, caught on other things. In particular, those strange dreams he’d been having. The ones that felt a lot like Tiresias’s foresight. Or, perhaps, simply a look into another realm.

Or another time.


The vessel’s journey would be long. It carried with it the legacy of their civilisation. The knowledge. For years on end the twin suns of their world danced in orbit, and the people below the blue shimmer speculated on the signal from the stars. When would they hear from their vessel? What would the vessel encounter? Would the universe remain lonely, or would it be filled with the dance of a new partner with new ideas and new ways of being?

The people received their answer. They had sent their vessel in peace, and now it was returning. But something was wrong. It did not respond to hails, nor was its trajectory as expected. Behind it was a blur of other vessels, their appearance strange upon the scanners. Their number was legion, and they were moving fast.

When the great vessel breached the atmosphere of the world that had birthed it, it was on fire. The sky itself followed soon after.


More days, more changes, more tests. Liam’s pregnancy continued to advance, keeping broad pace with that of a human woman’s gestational period, as far as Katz and the eggheads back on Earth and Mars could tell. The Tiresias briefly docked with the joint-medical science vessel Oblant and took on a number of medical devices and supplies for further monitoring the changing man’s condition, but the other crew were all in Hazmat suits, and swiftly disconnected from the ship afterwards, wishing them good luck. A couple of them had a quick look at the ‘pregnant man’, but none of them had signed up to stay, though apparently Earth’s side had tried to pressure them. It reminded the crew that in many ways Liam was still a biohazard, just like Rotar kept saying.

But at least proper recording equipment had arrived. Liam was five months along by this point, and it was shocking how quickly he was growing. He could have sworn his pregnancy was advancing more rapidly now, though his book also told him to expect the greatest surges of growth in the second trimester. Morning sickness was behind him, as was a lot of the tiredness. In fact, he’d begun begging Hardigan to hurry up and let him get back to work in full-time hours, something Hardigan reluctantly agreed to since that surge of second trimester energy was inescapable.

“Thank God,” Liam had said. “Seriously, I feel like bouncing, even though in my condition that’s not a good idea. I need to be doing things!”

“Nesting instinct!” Petyr called.

“Oh, shut up.”

Of course, he couldn’t fit in the ducts any more. His stomach was rounded, stretching some of the shirts uncomfortably tight. The same was true of his breasts, much to an even greater embarrassment. Liam had, if not accepted, then at least understood that his belly would become full with this alien child. What he hadn’t expected was to grow a pair of breasts that were increasingly so . . . obvious. It was difficult to tell how big they would end up being, given that they were often sore with the promise of continued growth, but for now he had a letter of the alphabet to officially assign them, since the Oblant had even been given a variety of women’s attire to pass over to him.


Full, round, occasionally bouncy C-cups. Quite bouncy, actually, when Liam was working out or in the centri-grav areas of the ship. When he wasn’t, he instead had to wear a well-fitting bra now just to contain them, since they sort of ‘floated’ upwards a little. His nipples had also grown, and were obviously female now, complete with expanded areolas. It was very strange having a pair of breasts, and even more having people look at them. Once, when he’d been overheated after some hard work on a panel fixture, he’d unzipped the front of his new ‘maternity wear’ engineering suit. When Adam came by to chat, both he and Liam had been embarrassed to realise the scientist was getting a peek at Liam’s now not-unimpressive cleavage.

“Oh God, this is humiliating,” he’d said. “Hang on, I’ll zip up.”

“No need! I’ll, um, keep on walking.”

“At least you weren’t Petyr.”

“Yes, I’d watch out for him. He’ll be drooling.”

“Ugh, bad enough to grow breasts, I have to share a ship with a man obsessed with them.”

Adam just grinned. “All men are obsessed with breasts, and women too. I bet you enjoy them a little.”

“Not even.”

“A little bit?”

Liam shook his head. “Not. Even.”

Adam shrugged and got the conversation back on track. What he didn’t know was that Liam was lying. It was a ship of men. They all masturbated at times, though obviously in private and it was never talked about. Given that he practically resided in the medical bay now, Liam had a lot more privacy these days. And while his larger breasts were sore, they were also increasingly sensitive. Worse, he’d also begun feeling hormonal rushes that presented themselves as deeply arousing. His dick was smaller everyday, the slight formation of future labia already enclosing around his tiny cock, but he was still able to stroke himself there when the horniness came over him. But it was his new chest that was the best source of pleasure now. He teased and rubbed his nipples, groped the wonderfully soft flesh of his chest, and moaned softly as the bliss came. It didn’t take long for him to cum, though there wasn’t any actual sperm coming out of him anymore. Instead, his body simply shook, and afterwards his baby would usually wake, and Liam would lie there, feeling more pregnant and rounded than ever, whispering to his child.

“It’s okay. Daddy’s here. Or Mommy. Whatever I am. You go back to sleep now.”

Even his voice was more ambiguous, though if he had to be honest it was far more female than male already. It had a sweetness to it, an elegance that had overtaken the boyishness, and while he didn’t like it - particularly when Petyr made fun or Katz smirked - it at least seemed to calm his baby. It shifted within him, kicking lightly, and he almost cooed.

“Stupid maternal feelings,” he sighed. “Why am I starting to like you? I should hate you! But . . . you’re a little innocent, aren’t you? None of this is your fault.”

His belly was quite large now, and it was making life in general more difficult. Zero-grav areas were increasingly a lovely retreat to keep his belly buoyant, but Katz had him on a strict regimen to stay mostly in centri-grav, since it was important for a child’s bone development.

“That’s what I assume at least,” he said. “We have no idea what this thing is.”

“None? Even with all the new ultrasound equipment? With the 3D scanners? You poked me with a micro-camera, doc! That hurt!”

“Yeah, and I’m still apologising over that. Look, whatever is going on inside your body, there’s certainly an alien nature to it. Your womb is pretty resistant to us digging around in there, and a lot of our traditional methods are throwing up too much static and interference, much like the original signal itself.”

Liam leaned his head back against the rest of the medical bay bedding. The bed was slightly raised, allowing him to clutch his stomach and rub it as he talked, which was habitual to him now. He shifted some hairs behind his right ear; he’d given up on hair cuts for a while, since his hair was growing so fast at this point.

“Is there anything we can get from this?”

“Well, there is one thing,” Katz said, “but I want you to brace yourself for it. It’s something the folks on Olympus noticed when we sent the latest scans to them.”

Liam winced. His baby shifted around again. God, it was active! Clearly, it sensed his nervousness. “Just lay it on me, doc. I’m already turning into a pregnant woman and losing my damn penis. That’s awful enough. What else could be worse than knowing I’ll be pushing a baby out of a damn cooch in four months time?”

Katz bit his lip, hesitating. “Well, I can name one thing, for starters.”


“Pushing two babies of your ‘damn cooch.’”

Liam’s eyes slowly widened. “You don’t mean . . .”

Katz held up a fuzzy scan. Even with all the signal interference, two shapes could be made out, vaguely humanoid.

“Congratulations, Liam. You’re carrying twins.”

Liam looked down at his belly, suddenly taking in what was most obvious. How could he have not known? Wasn’t he supposed to have some maternal instincts by this point? The baby had been so active, and his belly so big for this stage, the conclusion was obvious!

“Twins,” he marvelled. “I’m carrying twins.” A small part of him felt strangely in awe of his body, almost proud of it. But the anxiety quickly took over. “This is just my luck!”

To Be Continued . . .


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