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As voted on by you, wonderful Deluxe Tier Patrons. Hope you enjoy it! This is a quasi-sequel to one of my earliest stories, The Clownfish Gene.

By FoxFaceStories

It’s been years since the rare Clownfish Gene was discovered, a genetic marker that will change someone’s gender in the presence of too many of the same sex, and always into an incredibly desirable figure for those present at that. Jake, Elias, and Perry are at a FantasyCon hoping to get a signature from a hot streamer who is a result of the Clownfish Gene. But when they develop their a variant of the condition, they find their own bodies changing, and quickly discover that what FantasyCon men find attractive can be quite . . . fantastical.

The Clownfish Gene - The New Variant

Three friends were excited. FantasyCon was finally here, and they all had tickets. Jake, Elias, and Perry had always been huge nerds, particularly into fantasy. They had grown up together playing fantasy roleplaying games, watching fantasy movies, and reading fantasy books and recommending them to each other. Tales of adventures with great heroes and strange, mythical creatures were a source of excitement for them, especially since they lacked popularity in real life.

Jake was the de facto leader of the trio, and the one that had brought them all together. He was confident in his nerdery, accepting his status as ‘one of the dorks.’ He had bright orange hair and a smattering of freckles, and a somewhat lanky figure. He was dressed in a homemade ranger costume, complete with fake arrows in the quiver. Unlike his friends, he was the only one that had dared to dress up.

“This is gonna be so cool,” he declared as they entered the building that housed FantasyCon. “So many people are dressed up! You guys should have as well.”

“M-maybe,” Elias said. “But I don’t think I would look very good.”

He looked down at his tubby figure. Elias had always been a little overweight, and combined with his short stature he was also quite round-looking too. In contrast to Jake, he was quite a timid individual, and generally went with the crowd. Despite his dark skin, it was obvious when he blushed in embarrassment when asked an individual opinion. Thankfully, he was not alone in not being dressed up.

“Yeah, maybe I should have. Could have covered up all this acne,” Perry remarked. He took a breath from his inhaler. His asthma was always playing up, and it was just another of a litany of health issues the poor third member of the trio was always dealing with. His face was riddled with utterly awful acne, and he’d been dealing with being called ‘pizza face’ for much of his teenage years. Even now in his early twenties, he still had random passerbys make cruel comments or give unsolicited advice.

“Well, there’s costumes here to buy,” Jake said, “though I don’t know if we’ll have time. Or the, uh, figures.”

He gestured to several stalls which were selling a variety of incredible well-made costumes. The only problem was that they appeared far more catered to the female crowd, and apparently the quite busty and attractive ones at that. Several cosplay models were around these parts, dressed as sexy elves and draenei and even a few she-orcs and the like. Others were wearing ‘boob armour’, emphasis on the ‘boob’ part. It was hard for the three nerds not to look in that direction.

“Wow,” Elias said.

“Yeah, wow,” Perry said, taking a puff from his inhaler.

“Like we have a chance though.”

Jake put his hands on the shoulders of his friends. “You never know until you take a shot. Besides, they might be really into nerds. After all, look who’s got a spot in the auditorium at midday!”

He gestured to the event planner, which showed that Quinn Barker herself was holding a Q&A in just an hour. She was literally one of the most popular streamers around, and a total hottie. She was involved in the latest Dragons and Warfare expansion, not only as one of the main voiced characters but also as the promoting model. She was also one of the biggest gamers online, with a following in the multi-millions. It was not hard to see why, with her cute purple bob of hair that was cut into an anime style, and her very busty hourglass figure, guys lusted after her, and she certainly knew how to advertised to them.

Of course, what made her even more intriguing was the fact that she used to be a man. Not in terms of being transgender and transitioning, but in that in the span of one unexpected day, she had discovered she had the Clownfish Gene, that ultra-rare genetic disorder that made her sex change in the presence of being around too many of the same sex. It was like a breeding instinct gone wrong, and even her sexual orientation had flipped, something she was quite candid about. Even her purple hair was part of her advertisement: it was entirely ‘natural.’ The Clownfish Gene made her into the most attractive individual for the collective aggregate of the nearest members of the same (former) sex to her. And while gaming with nerds, they were very attracted to hot anime-style girls with big breasts and spectacular curves.

“I don’t care that she used to be a guy, she is the hottest person ever,” Perry said. He indicated to an image of her dressed up as an elf, holding a bow and arrow, her cleavage obvious through her ranger’s cloak.

“Damn straight,” Jake said, “and it’s well known she’s got a thing for nerds like us. So there’s still hope!”

Elias wasn’t so optimistic. “Yeah, only if one of us gets the Clownfish Gene and changes.”

“Gross dude.”

“Yeah, no offence,” Perry said, “but I’ll stick with my acne over being a girl. God knows what we’d even turn into around a group like this. It’s full of fantasy nerds. We’d have boobs out to here and probably rainbow hair and pointy ears or something.”

Jake rolled his eyes. “No way. It doesn’t work like that. You still stay human.”

But Petty was adamant. “No, there’s a new variant. Even rarer. I saw it online and on the news the other night. It can make your body even more different, if the crowd has, like, weird fetishes and shit. A woman turned into a werewolf dude because she was at a book convention for gothic romance fiction. Not magical werewolf, obviously, but she’s a big hairy wolf-man now.”

“As if!”

But Elias was already pulling up the video, even as they advanced further into FantasyCon. Sure enough, he found a newsclip. Jake snatched the phone and watched the report unfold.

‘The Clownfish Gene phenomenon has captured the fascination of the nation and the wider world. Though only a little over ten thousand individuals have even been affected, a new strain of this startling gender-altering condition has emerged, one that causes even more severe changes. Abigail Anderson has this report.’

The screen changed to show a local reporter followed by several images of individuals, many of them highly attractive men and women.

‘It’s an astounding condition, and one that has upended - and sometimes improved - the lives of those affected. Many will know the story of Quentin Barker, the young male gamer who became a woman in mere moments when his - now her - Clownfish Gene activated in the presence of her male friends. Now going by Quinn, the new woman became the very image of what her friends found attractive. This has been the case for all affected by the Clownfish Gene. Here we see Troy Pepper, once Talia Pepper, who was enjoying a relaxing time at the beach with his female friends. Now, he is a ripped surfer of a man, and is even dating one of his former friends!

‘But this already astounding condition appears to have developed a strange variant, affecting an even smaller minority of this existing minority. What you’re about to see next, will astound you. A woman who not only changed sex but gained wolf-like aspects at a gothic-romance convention-’

“See! I told you!” Perry said.

“What the fuck,” Jake replied. “That girl has three boobs!”’

Her face was blurred out, but her double cleavage was obvious.

‘One individual even developed breasts so large she is physically incapable of walking. Another former male gained a false pregnant belly, due to being part of a pregnancy fetish club.’

“Oh man, sucks for her. Especially if she makes milk.”
‘And there are other, wilder changes. This former woman gained scales and a forked tongue. It seemed that her documentary work on a kink group of so-called ‘scalies’ has led to her becoming one of their very own fantasies! The research is clear, this new variant results in far greater, and still permanent, changes.’

Perry shut down the video and put his phone away. “See? So best beware if you guys have the Clownfish Gene!”

Jake rolled his eyes. “Dude, all three of us have the potential, you know that. We even had that dumb mandatory test in campus before they assigned out classes. We all got listed as ‘potential.’ It doesn't mean anything: like only one in more than a million ‘potential’ people are actually changed.”

Elias gulped. “I don’t like talking about it. Makes me nervous. I feel the need to knock on wood somewhere.”

“You brought this up!” Jake said, laughing.

“To prove a point! Now I’m getting anxious.”

“Why?” Perry asked. “Afraid of becoming a sexy centauress or something?”

“Yes! Obviously! I would have a huge horse ass! Let’s just go and see the rest of the convention. I’m sorry I brought this up. But I was right.”

“Yep. But if you really wanted to be right, you’d become a sexy centauress.”

“Oh, shut up.”

The three dropped the subject, heading further into FantasyCon and enjoying the displays, the costumes, and the stalls. The convention with Quinn wasn’t far away, and they wanted to be there to hear her speak.

She was fucking hot for a former dude, after all.


The trio of friends forgot about their earlier conversation as they continued to check out the many attractions of FantasyCon. They’d saved up a lot of money for the event, and sure enough were collecting memorabilia and autographs from comic creators and artists right and left. Jake was particularly keen, leading the others on so they could see everything in a short span of time, though all three found excuses to go past the hot cosplayers in their outfits several times.

Finally, it was time for the Q&A and trailer reveal with Quin Barker. They hadn’t pre-booked, so sadly they only got seats near the back, but they still had a great look at her in her white tank top and black shorts as she mounted the stage to thunderous applause. Her large breasts bobbed in her shirt, and they looked even more spectacular in person. So did her purple hair.

“Hey folks! Great to see you all!” she announced. “Who's excited for a certain expansion pack trailer today starring yours truly?”

Another round of applause. Jake even whistled. A number of men did; and most of the audience were indeed men.

“As you know, Dragons and Warfare is the best MMO around, with character models and storylines that intrigue, fascinate, and excite us! Even before my Clownfish Gene activated, I was obsessed with this game, and now as a gamer girl and streamer, I’ve only gotten deeper down the rabbit hole. I’m so, so excited to be voicing the sexy and badass character Elira in this new expansion pack, one of many awesome new characters to encounter, along with new locations, new loot, and lots of new skins for the monster races, including new female skins! I know you guys like your fantasy women, right?”

There were more cheers, and at this she took a slight bow, showing off more of her cleavage. She knew what she was doing, and it made Elias a little cynical, but Perry literally had to raise his inhaler and take a puff just to cope with the display.

“Let’s watch this trailer then!” Quinn declared. She snapped her fingers, and the room went dark for qmoment, before the huge screen behind her lit up.

‘On a world of fantasy and dragons . . .’

“This is gonna be so awesome,” Jake whispered.

Elias groaned. “I feel a little weird. Is it a bit hot in here or something?”

“I’m feeling hot too,” Perry replied. “And my s-stomach is all twisty all of a sudden.”

Jake and several others shushed them, but even Jake was starting to feel a little odd. He was packed like a sardine in a tincan, bunched up with a heap of gamer nerds who were all transfixed by the trailer. Onscreen, numerous new action setpieces, loot crates, and environments were being shown off. But the thing that caught his attention the most were the new skins, particularly the female ones. The crowd was incredibly attentive to them. Dragons and Warfare had often been criticised for its over the top representations of women, and these were no exception: hot mermaids, sexy centaurs, gorgeous elves, even amazonian orc lasses. As the three watched, and the fever pitch of the room rose, the boys became increasingly uncomfortable. Jake swallowed, feeling his skin crawl in strange ways. Perry scratched at his acne, which had seemingly spread to his arms and legs as footage of a sexy new female dragon-lady class was displayed. And Perry felt the need to keep flexing his meagre muscles, clenching his fists tightly as he began to sweat. The room was hot, at least it felt so. But more than that, their bodies were like furnaces.

They had no idea it was happening yet, but their Clownfish Genes were activating. More than that, they had the variant, and it was going to change them in ways they never could have predicted.

Elias was the first to cause a major disturbance. As the ten minute trailer continued, he groaned louder and louder, making those at the back angrier.

“S-sorry! It’s just - my b-bones feel really weird! Nghh!”

His spine cracked, and then impossibly lengthened. Several saw this and began to murmur, but most were still watching the trailer. Elias gasped, quickly tried to move, but his feet swelled painfully within his shoes, and his trousers were suddenly far too tight. There as a growing pressure in his chest and nipples that made him scratch at them, even as the teeth on his lower jaw began to feel weird.

“Dude, what the fuck is happening to you?” Jake hissed. “You’re so sick you’re going g-green!”

“What’s happening to m-me?” Elias groaned, his pudgy form beginning to lose its fat slowly. “What’s happening to y-you? You’re going b-bronze!”

‘ “The fuck!?”

Jake looked at his arms, which he had been scratching with increasing intensity. Elias was right: when the screen went bright enough, he could see that his pale skin was darkening, but not to a natural human colour. It had a red-bronze aspect to it that was even a little shiny, and small patterns on his skin were beginning to look almost like those of tree bark. He swallowed, beginning to panic, particularly since two pains in his ears signalled that they were stretching out further.

“Oh God. No, it can’t be. Perry, are you seeing this?”

He looked across the increasingly tall and strong Elias to his acne-ridden friend, only to see that he too was changing, and he no longer had acne. Perry was fumbling with his inhaler, trying to vocalise his panic as his skin broke out in red scaly patches. But this was not a normal skin condition; the patches were literally scales. Dragon scales which shimmered a little in the light of the huge screen on the other side of the room.

“H-help me!” he managed. “Something’s - ughhh!”

An intense pressure was practically bursting out of his backside, at the end of his spine right above his ass. The flesh was pushing forth, pressing against the integrity of his clothing. At the same time his shoulders were in agony as two mounds were forming there, while his jaw pushed forth unnaturally.

“S-someone help!” he called.


“We’re trying to listen!”

“Show off your cosplay another time!”

But it wasn’t cosplay, and all three boys were panicking. More new character skins and models were shown on the screen, including the sexy wood elf played by Quinn Barker. She had perfect teardrop breasts and similar bronze skin to what Jake was developing, and incredibly long hair that was green and partly plant-like. The men in the room whistled, and the collective enjoyment of the character of Elira made Jake moan almost orgasmically. His chest began to push out, while his hips widened. His frame became even more willowy as his height increased, and the people behind him finally began to notice something was weird.

“The hell!?” one called. “Sit further down, I can’t see!”

“C-can’t help it!” Jake moaned, voice cracking to the point where it was almost womanly. “Agghh, my head!”

“M-mine too!” Perry called.

There was an audible crack as the skin on top of their heads split, and a pair of horns emerged for both of them. Jake’s were miniature antlers just like the wood elves in the game, and it was matched by his hair, which turned a forest-green and began to grow flowers and vines and leaves within it; no in addition to, but literally part of his hair. Perry’s horns on the other hand spirally backwards, looking much more bonelike, albeit with a golden colouring that was borderline regal.

“This can’t be happening,” Perry hissed. “We’re fucking ch-changing! I need my in-inhaler!”

But it was hard to use as his jaw slid ever further forward, giving him a cute snout. His skin was now entirely scaled by this point, and his shorts about to split upon as the flesh mound grew. His toes elongated, developing claws that shredded his shoes. His were not the only to be destroyed: Elias’s body was becoming increasingly noticeable as it swelled and grew. The formerly pudgy nerd was shocked as his stomach developed a powerful eight-pack and his biceps swelled. His thighs thickened, and though he lost all body hair he was looking absolutely shredded. Shredded, and green. All of his skin had changed by this point and his hair was sliding down his back, still dark in colour but now a wild tangle.

“Is that dude changing? Is this part of the show?”

“They need to move, I can’t see a damn thing!”

‘ “Um, I don’t think this is normal. I think they’re actually changing! They must have that gene or something!”

Jake groaned again, struggling against his changes. His face became sleeker, his nose long yet defined, his lips full. His shoes simply fell off as his feet altered to a far daintier, slender shape, while an obvious pair of breasts surged forward, gaining an identifiable weight. All three of them were developing breasts, even Perry, whose scaled chest did not have nipples and yet was still strangely visible.

“We need to g-get out of here,” Jake urged. “Before everyone s-sees us! We’ve got the Clownfish Gene.”

“No!” Elias groaned. His voice was simultaneously more womanly and deeper. His lower jaw was developing two strong tusks that pushed up to sit over his upper lips, while his own boobs were growing larger and larger and larger by the second, particularly now that the sexy amazonian female-only orc tribe was being shown onscreen. “C-can’t do this! We’ll stand out!”

“We’re standing out n-now, you idiot! Somehow being among all these dudes is activating - ahhh - our Clownfish Genes. We’re going to keep changing so long as we’re around so many f-fucking dudes!”

Jake’s voice was sounding like sheer elegance by this point, the regal voice of a sophisticated wood elf, complete with an accent that bordered on British. He got up to leave, wobbling a little as his body continued changing. There was a pressure in his crotch that was terrifying him, and only added to his impetus to go.

“What the fuck? That’s a chick! A hot elf chick!”’

“And is that dude becoming a shredded orc girl? No way this is part of the show, no special effects can do that!”

They pair talking behind them gasped as Perry followed Jake’s lead. He stood, only to double over and growl. His snout pushed further forward, his hair falling away. His shorts ripped with a cataclysmic tearing sound as an actual tail surged from his rear, writhing about. It was utterly alien to the former sickly man, and even more so as his shirt began to tear too.

“Let’s get out of here!” he growled.

Elias, always one to follow the group when consensus was reached, finally followed. His form continued to swell and grow as he tried to barrel his way past the other nerds sitting in the rows, and it was easy to do so due to how muscled and powerful he was now. He had to be almost seven feet in height by that point, and it was getting to the point where everyone was now looking more to her and the others than the screen.

“This f-fucking sucks!” he groaned, all while his breasts grew to such a size that they were no equal to his head.

An official attendant was moving their way, ready to urge them to be quiet or leave. In the darkness beside the screen, Quinn Barker was looking quite unamused. The trailer shut off minutes before its end and the lights went up.

“What’s going on back there?” she asked. “We need to ask that - holy shit!”

“Don’t look at us!” Jake called. “We’re just trying to get out of here!”

It was too late for them to leave: they had just made it to the exit aisle when all eyes fell upon them, and in doing so helped speed the final part of their transformation.

“Holy shit, they must have the gene!”

“They look like total hotties!”

“Fuck yeah, a real life sexy dragon girl, check out that tail!”

“Forget the dragon girl, look at that she-orc - I’d love to have her step on me!”

“Please, that elf-girl is fucking hot as. She even has the antlers. If only she had the costume! This is like a dream come true!”

The same could not be said for the boys. Under the collective attention of the theatre they began to moan in their new feminine voices. The final changes were occurring, and nothing could stop it.

“It’s - ohhhh - happening!” Elias groaned.

“F-fuck!” Jake added.

“Please, I was a f-freak enough already! I don’t want to grow a p-”

Perry never finished his sentence, because at that point all three men lost their male status. Their penises and balls withdrew into their bodies slowly but surely, replaced by a feminine tunnel that led right to their wombs. They cried out together in orgasm as the change finished, their voices ranging from a musical elven sweetness to a powerful draconic roar to a guttural contralto orc cry. The heat in their bodies was unimaginable, and it reminded Jake that everyone who was affected by the Clownfish Gene not only had their genders reversed but their orientations as well, and far worse, that it would leave them deeply horny.

There was no doubt that the rest of the room was feeling horny. Several hundred nerdy gamer men were now staring at fantasy world hotties come to life. Jake was now a gorgeous, elegant, yet obviously voluptuous wood elf. Her skin was like bronzed redwood, complete with bark-like patterns across her skin. Pretty antlers and plantlife grew from her head, while her features were the very definition of refined beauty. She couldn’t stop looking down at her breasts, or stop touching her long elven ears, which swept back to almost behind her head. She was trying hard not to lick her lips and saunter over to the nearest men, who were suddenly looking very cute.

“This is a nightmare,” she murmured.

Elias was now a seven-foot tall giant of a woman who looked like she could crush a watermelon between her thick thighs. Her clothing was utterly torn and barely holding on around her wide childbearing green hips and massive chest. Her boobs had to be J-cups at least, each bigger than her own head and yet remarkably pert. Her hair went all the way down her green back. She was trying to cover her green body, but there were too many womanly curves and sexy muscles to cover, and part of her brain was already enticed by the men around her, and pushing her to thrust her chest out.

“I feel so aggressive,” she marvelled. “I’ve never felt aggressive. Shit, I don’t like where this is headed.”

And lastly there was the red-scaled dragoness Perry. She was humanoid, with similar impressive curves to her friends, albeit with a sensual tail that shifted around her ankles. Her stance was digitigrade, and her golden horns and claws made her look positively magical. She tried to clasp her inhaler one last time, only to cough. A great whoosh of flame followed from her mouth into the air, causing the crowd to gasp. At the same time her shirt ripped open completely, leaving her naked from the waist up as her new wings expanded outwards, the golden-coloured leather spans making her look like a reveal from the trailer itself.

“Oh God. Oh God I just shot flame! I just shot flame!”

The fact that it was an impressive amount of flame made her newly female mind think of it as a display. The kind of display that led to mating.

A brief silence followed in the theatre, as the three new fantasy women took in the mostly male crowd, and they took in the three in turn. Jake, for once, had no idea what to say, while Perry was grappling with her own needs.

“What the fuck do we do?” she said.

It was Quinn that came to save the day. She quickly grabbed a cordless mic and ran over to them, her breasts bouncing as she did so in a way that the trio could only appreciate aesthetically now that they had their own female chests.

“Our latest promotion, everyone! Three members of our Dragons and Warfare marketing team all with the Clownfish Gene, who have changed for your benefit! What do we think, folks?”

The crowd seemed to swallow this, or otherwise just liked the new women enough, because they began to cheer and whistle.

“Pretty hot, wouldn’t you say? Our new dragoness especially!”

Another cheer. Perry would have blushed, but her new scaled skin prevented it.

“What are you doing?” she asked Quinn.

The popular steamer and gaming personality gave them a bright smile, but spoke in a clear intonation. “Just go along with it,” she said through the smile. “Trust me, I’ve been here, and I know it’s super embarrassing, especially since you guys are literally fantasy women right now.”

“C-can we change back?” Elias said, though it was louder now that she was a huge, busty orc woman.

“It’s the Clownfish Gene,” Jake reminded her. “We can’t change back. Fuck, we’re gonna be into dudes now. Ugh, I already am!”

“That’s why I’m here,” Quinn said, while the audience continued to applaud, “helping you three adjust. Come up on the stage with me and we’ll re-roll the trailer. And try to contain your new hormones. They can get sort of out of control. I’ll let you be part of the promotional team while we work this out, okay? For now, just play your parts!”

She lifted the mic up again.

One last round of applause! Unfortunately, we couldn’t quite plan the change to schedule, so what say we re-roll that trailer again, and our three new busty beauties can join me up on stage for it!”

“Hell yeah!”

“Can we get them costumes?”

“Do they do autographs?”

Quin smiled at the confused trio. “Trust me, you get used to it. Though you’ll take a lot more getting used to it, seeing how much you’ve changed. C’mon, join me up on stage. And try not to stare at the nerds too much. Though . . . there is a spare staging room out back if your new bodies are as needy as mine was at the beginning.”

Jake scanned the crowd. So many were looking at him. So many gaming nerds that wanted him. Wanted her. And she wanted them too. God, she could feel that need to mate, just like the Gene wanted.

“I think . . . I think that might not be a bad idea,” she said, barely believing what she was saying.

From the looks on Elia’s green tusked face and Perry’s sexy scaled snout, she wasn’t alone in that opinion. They would need that room, and fast.

And after that, some new costumes as well, if Quinn’s promotional offer was genuine.

The End


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