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It's a new map, the Underdark Passage (35x30), great for journeys from one of my Underdark maps to the other! At least, that's the premise as it stands- maybe this is the shadowy part of a giant stone archway on the surface, that's fun... and that's the only non-underground idea I have, but I'm sure some patron out there has thoughts on more.

Your alternates for this map are Blighted and Shadowfell! I really really liked the Shadowfell version of last week's map and I wanted to give it another crack when there are mushrooms in the mix- I think it's neat. Also, have you noticed that this Blighted version sounds and kinda looks a lot like the Tainted version of the Underdark Crossing or the Rotten version of the Underdark Fork? That's because I'm trying to nail down this sort of vibe for cave maps and I'm working out the palette- it feels like a really neat way to twist these foggy caves filled with mushrooms that'll make for cool encounters, so it's something I want to keep working on. This one is another really good variant of that vibe and I hope you like it!



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