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Hello there Experts/Masters! This week's map is the Druidic Ruins (40x40), a lovely little circular ruin built around some foreboding trees, disconcertingly located directly in the middle of a stream. I've got a bad feeling that these ruins might be doing something to the water, something spooky probably.

Your extra variants for this map are Blighted and Ethereal! If you'll glance at the files for this map (or the Adept post), you'll see that I made a variant that's inspired by Elden Ring, specifically the Limgrave area, with glowing golden trees. This Blighted version is inspired by the Haligtree area, a massive rotting tree, which honestly is very similar to my regular Blighted maps with just a few minor differences. Kinda neat! 

The Etereal variant is one I just had a little fun with, with harsh lighting, a blue tint, and a few magical effects sprinkled around. I thought it looked kinda weird and interesting, so there you go.



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