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New map Monday! This one is the Serpentine Tunnel (25x40), it's a plain ol' cave with all of those cave classics you all love to love- tunnels, small caverns, twists, and turns, it's got the works! Honestly, what else could you want? With this base-level cave you can pretend there's practically anything inside, a bandit camp, plants, crystals, knee-deep water, and because I didn't draw any of those things inside you can feel free to not pretend that they aren't there if perhaps you would rather use this map in a different way. You dig?

Your alternate versions of this map are Subterranean and Volcanic! Originally I was planning on giving you the Adepts' Sandy variant instead of the Subterranean one, but after a glance at them together I thought they would pop better if separated. The Subterranean feels both yuckier and spookier, an excellent combo that makes this useful in a ton of additional ways, while the Volcanic variant would feel more appropriate in Hell or, maybe, on the side of a volcano, two options which wouldn't feel quite right with the other variants. I hope you like them!



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