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Experts! Your map is the Haunted Portal (40x45), a concerningly lightning-y portal in that Haunted forest we all love. Most likely you'll have a regular menagerie of absolutely awful critters emerging from here, but also expect that at least one player will be foolish enough to try to enter as well, so be prepared for that.

Your alternate versions here are Evil and Overload. The Evil portal is pretty unsubtle, but who needs subtlety when you've got an evil portal full of darkness and red lightning? And, you know how sometimes I like to use this space for trying out some things I normally wouldn't? Well, that's what the Overload variant is. Is it a neat concept? Yeah! Does is work for this map? I don't know, maybe! Even if it looks kinda dumb, just imagine the look on your players faces when the map swaps to this one and they notice that one of their characters is in a lightning-filled square. That's gotta be a fun moment. 



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