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Hey Experts/Masters- this week's map is the Rocky River Ruins (35x40), a decently-sized haunted map with some fun terrain to play around with. On top of that, this one works really well with many of my other Haunted maps, which seem to often feature winding streams cutting through. This map, like the Haunted Mire, has lots of branches leading off potentially to other maps, though I didn't make it seamless with anything. Pretty fun map though!

Your alternate versions of this map are Cloudy and Blighted; Cloudy is simply a reshading which I liked the look of, it doesn't particularly change how the map can be used or anything like that but doesn't it look cool? The lighting/god rays both draw much more attention to the ruins in the center, so maybe you could present the shrine as something a divine force has led you to, there's something there to play around with!



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