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A new map! This one is another foggy, grim village map, the Haunted Village Bridge (35x40)- probably not a nice town to settle down in but maybe a decent place to pick up supplies and learn about the evil that dwells in the forest nearby. More than likely though you'll be run out of town by suspicious village folk who don't trust strangers, so you'll probably be needing this map. 

Your alternate versions this time are Caustic and Eerie. Caustic will be nice when you don't mind throwing subtlety out the window- your players will know that something is wrong in this town when they see the drinking water and the villagers guzzling it down. Eerie is a bit more subtle than that, with ghostly greenish lighting and somewhat thicker fog, this one gives a more indistinct impression that something is wrong here, a feeling that will be confirmed by the first zombie emerging from the fog down the street. 



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