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This week's map is the Haunted Village Ruins (35x35), a fairly large map depicting some old, razed ruins in the forest, prominently featuring the remains of a little chapel at the crossroads. This place is absolutely massively haunted, but probably just with the ghosts of peasants, so it won't be too bad. 

Your alternate versions of this map are Subdued and Hellish! The Subdued version felt like a solid addition, giving you a variant that's less spooky than the regular Hunted one but not quite as happy as the Unhaunted one. This gives you a set of ruins that'll still bum you out, but maybe it's not too haunted at least! The Hellish version goes in the other direction, it says "This place is not only haunted, it's cursed and you're going to die the same way the inhabitants did". It looks like the ghosts here are not only hungry for vengeance, they're hungry for flesh. Have fun!



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