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Hi Experts! This week's map is the Jagged Cliffs (40x45), an extra large map depicting just a jagged stretch of cliff extending preposterously far out over the void. You know, so your players know that they'll die if they hit the ground. 

Your extra versions of this map are Snowy and Apocalyptic! The Snowy version is a recolor of the Desert variant, though with somewhat more moody lighting that I think helps set the tone nicely. The Apocalyptic one is something I was messing around with and ended up liking- it feels like a hyper-dramatic culmination to a huge fight or maybe the scene for a final confrontation? Either way I thought it was neat, hope you like it!

Side note: Recently I've been making maps which are larger than usual, so the PSD file size has grown to be too large for Patreon to handle. So, in order to keep the files at or under Patreon's limit (200mb), I've been splitting them into 2. The 1st contains the Day/Night versions, while the 2nd contains all the variants. Let me know if you have any questions about that!



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