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I'm back again, this time with the Feywild Crossroads (40x40), a nice and big patch of mystical forest populated with gigantic mushrooms! Knowing my play group, someone would definitely be eating these mushrooms before we continued on our way, so maybe prepare a little list of magical effects you can grant the eater. Personally, I enjoy the 'Short-Term Madness' chart for situations like this, but feel free to scale that up to Long-Term or Indefinite Madness depending on how much they risk eating. 

Your alternate versions of this map are Glowing and Swampy! Glowing is pretty straightforward- I've changed the regular mushrooms to glow nice and bright, and altered the lighting of the Night version to focus better on them. Then the Swampy version I made to feel a little more grounded than the rest, looking a little more dangerous or poisonous with pale greens and yellows. I figured this would help give the map some use for people who have no intention of sending their party to another plane. 



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