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Hello again, Experts and Masters- this week's map is the Desert Temple (33x40), a small and shadowy temple in a dusty desert city. This one is perhaps a little simpler than many of my temple maps, with only 2 chambers, but I don't doubt it'll prove to be useful in most desert adventures. I can almost always make use of a temple in any of my campaigns, easy. 

Your alternate versions here are Overcast and Sunset. Overcast is sorta an iteration of the gray Stark versions I sometimes whip up for these desert maps, but shaded to feel like the grayness is a weather effect rather than part of the environment itself. This Sunset variant, similarly, is a little different than usual- I made this one to feel a little more grim than I usually would, partially because my usual sunset effects/colors don't exactly read correctly when placed on a primarily orange setting, and partially because this one developed out of an attempt at making the map feel more 'evil'. Well, I hope it passes well as a sunset version at the very least! Enjoy!



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