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Hello everyone- I'm back! It's been a wild couple weeks for me, I sold my old house and moved into a new one (shockingly tricky with a dog and a 1-year-old) and my computer didn't survive the move, but everything is mostly settled now and I'll be trying to get things back to normal with regular map releases again. 

I'm starting off my return with the Desert Streets (40x30), my next urban desert map! I'm having a fun time making these sandy city scenes, it's an interesting twist on what I'm used to- there's a lot more verticality built in with the flat-topped roofs, so I can assume that the average players will be running and jumping across them (instead of just rogues and monks) and so designed with that thought in mind. 

Anyway, I hope you don't mind too much this extended departure from my average biomes, it's been fun and interesting to work on so I think I'll make a few more over the next couple weeks. I'd be happy to take any suggestions too, if there's a map concept you'd especially like to see in an urban desert environment- let me know in the comments!

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