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I'm back again, this time with the Cellar Tunnel (20x20)! This is one of those maps where I feel like I should have made something like it long ago, but for some reason haven't. It seems to me that basement caves are, against all odds, a fairly common fantasy adventure setup, so it's about time that I finally made it. 

As usual, I tend to have an adventure setup in mind when I make a map, as a guideline for myself so that I can imagine the kind of adventures I'm building around. For this map I pictured that the adventuring party was hired to handle a creature which had burrowed into someone's basement, but I was also imagining that maybe the owner of the building discovered a cave near their cellar and dug into it, so maybe they're using it for hiding items? I feel like there's room here for some imagination, so have fun with it!

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