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Hello again, Experts/Masters- this week's map is the Countryside Lane (40x35), a quaint crossroad at the border of a farm the forest. If some creature from the woods has been terrorizing the local farmers, I bet you can encounter it here. If you need to make a deal with a devil, you bet you can probably find one hanging about here at certain times of the day. Do you want to take up a life of petty banditry? Well, I suppose some farmers and maybe some wandering merchants will be passing through here, so it's not the worst place to start. 

Your alternate versions of this map are Eerie and Stark! The Eerie version is one we've seen a lot of recently, with spooky lighting and plenty of fog drifting in from off-screen. I can't explain why I keep doing this, it's just the kind of map I want to make recently! And the Stark variant is one where I tried something different, and I suppose you could consider it a daytime version of the Eerie variant- with grim colors and flat, cloudy lighting. It's plain to see how one could develop into the other once the sun sets and the fog begins to rise or disperse. 




Hey ! Could it be possible to make the next maps 110 pixels per square instead of 111 ? Foundry VTT really gets buggy when its not a multiple of 5 or 10. Thanks a lot.