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Hello again, everyone! I've been super busy recently with the holidays coming, which is why my posting schedule has been a little unusual, but despite that I'm back with the Snowy Street (30x30), my first snowy city map. I really like how the colors turned out for this map, it was fun to figure out how to mix my usual city colors with a cool, wintery palette- I've got a few more ideas for snowy city maps too, so maybe I'll find a way to slip them into the lineup over the next few weeks. 

I'm hopeful that after Christmas comes and goes I'll be back to my usual schedule, but who can say what this next week will bring, with family back in town and a couple feet of snow coming my way (according to my dad, citation needed). Either way I'll back eventually, in the meantime I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season, and I'd like to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for supporting me with your patronage, you've all changed my life with your support and I'll never forget it!

Adepts can find their post here and Experts can find theirs here.




I actually used this one in Rime of the Frostmaiden for a battle in Easthaven. Thanks!


This looks fantastic! I love the more general maps you guys make, it helps me put together tons of encounters in my multiple games. You'd be surprised how hard it is to find a good city street map!