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Hi again, Experts and Masters! This week's map is the Mountain Shrine (25x30), a fairly complicated map filled with rocky ledges and an extremely dangerous cliff- perfect for fighting flying monsters or creatures with a predilection for throwing uppity adventures off of steep cliffs. 

Your alternate versions of this map are Radiant and Eerie, two extremes which will be great in very very different scenarios. The Radiant version features bright, yellow light, which I feel looks very angelic when coupled with the brighter clouds beyond the cliffside. This one feels nice and idyllic, I could see it being used as a location for a trial of some kind, issued by a holy figure. The Eerie version is very different, starring grim and foggy effects and subdued greens and blues as the palette. If you've seen/read Demon Slayer, this map gives me some similar vibes. 

Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! I'll be back with another map later this week, a much more simple one if I can manage it. We'll see!



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