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Welcome back, Experts and Masters- this week's map is the Palace Fountain, a fun place for your players to hold out against waves of castle guards who discovered their espionage, or maybe battle the team of assassins who have been sent to slay the royal family. Actually, that second one sounds awesome, I'll use that later.

Your alternate versions of this map are Dreamy and Bloody! The Dreamy one is odd, I tried out some funky effects and ended up with something similar to a Feywild recoloring (which you might have seen here before if you've been a patron for a while). It's a little weird and interesting, so I felt that you might like it as well! 

The Bloody version is one I made in an attempt to make the map usable for a vampire's castle- overly opulent and splattered in blood. And you don't need to use it for a vampiric purposes either, I feel like it feels evil enough that any ol' bad guy would love to have this as part of their castle. 



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