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I'm back again with the Abandoned Cabin (30x30), a simple map with a lonely damaged cabin near an iced-over lake. This is a type of map which I consider particularly simple due to a low amount of big props or major terrain, the type of map which doesn't get much attention or praise on the internet, but are nice to have for simpler encounters. For example, I like to use easier maps for new players who might not be familiar with how to interact with top-down maps- in which case this map would be a perfect one to use as an introduction due to the simplicity of the terrain.

Anyway, your extra version of this map is 'Eerie'! This one is a little spookier, starring more greenish colors rather the the cheerful bluish palette I like to use for my snowy maps, which I feel like give the map a kinda Eldritch feel, like something with a bunch of tentacles and way too many eyes might be frozen beneath the lake.

1. Like I've said elsewhere, I was a bit short on time this week. My 5 month old child has been fighting her naps, which leaves me entertaining her longer in the mornings than I usually do, which has taken a big chunk out of my typical work hours. I started this week working on the Castle Courtyard (which I'll now be posting next week), but realized that I just wouldn't have the time to finish it this week. So, with a small amount of its outlines finished, I put it away and decided instead to make a map which I could realistically finish with half a week left. A map that was half frozen lake and half snowy woods felt doable, plus a few props to set a scene and provide a few story prompts for DMs who need it, and I figured this would do just fine. 

2. And here's the reason why I felt that this map would be a quick one- no grass or cobblestone to draw, and only a single roof. Without small details stretching from one side of the map to the other, this map came together very very quickly. The most time consuming part for me to worry about was detailing the cabin, which wasn't a problem at all because the little destroyed details were fun to draw, and then the pier, boat, trees, and rocks were quick grabs from other maps, making this a pleasantly quick job. 

3. Color! I don't often mess with my winter palette, and I felt no need to tweak too much here. The only major changes I recalled making was a general darkening of the trees and snow (which is only really noticeable in the Night version). The darker trees add a little more contrast, which I sometimes feel that these winter maps lack, due to the overall blueish colors I like to use here. That's usually why I like to add plenty of rock walls, dirt, or man-made props, but in absence of all of those I'll just settle for somewhat more visually exciting trees.



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