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Hello again, Experts and Masters- this week's map is the Shady Alleys (40x40)! This map is a real urban mishmash, featuring buildings built upon each other, dead end alleys, and obviously nearly 0 city planning. I intentionally added plenty of flat-roofed buildings, as I feel they prompt players to fight on the rooftops, as well as a few buildings placed just close enough to incentivize dramatic leaps over alleyways.  In short, this map can be a playground for players with a few points on Acrobatics!

Your variant maps this time are Sunset and Dusty. The Dusty version is something I don't usually do for urban maps, but I stumbled into it while messing around and I liked the vibe- a little western actually! The roofs and streets themselves don't much add to the western setting, but I feel like this hazy brown version can find usefulness in plenty of creative scenarios- like dust storms blowing in, haze hanging over the town, or smoke from a nearby building fire.  

The Sunset version is a perpetual favorite, excellent for establishing dramatic moments in the street and always an impressive map to surprise your players with in order to express the passing of time. I've heard from Patrons who said that they allowed their players to prepare for a combat (an ambush or something like that) during the daytime version, then when the time came they flipped it over to the Sunset one- very cool and cinematic!



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