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I'm back again, with a new map! This week I made the Savannah Cave (35x35), featuring a span of rocky savannah plains leading up to a cave in a rock wall- the perfect location for your party to square up against a herd of frenzied zebras, a pack of lions, or a passing goblin hunting party who don't appreciate you adventuring types butting in on their hunting grounds. 

For your alternate versions of this map I've whipped up something a little interesting! Firstly, I've did a little color swap on the trees, grass, and rocks to make the map feel a bit more vibrant and lush, like an open plains. Secondly, I laid out the map in such a way that I could crop out the rock wall, remove its shadows, and leave the map as simply a nice wide stretch of grass, small ledges and trees! While it might seem a simple change, I like how very different the map is here, and I think you'll find a few more opportunities to use it this way! And, of course, I've included versions of this both with and without the little camp, since it felt like it would be a shame to cut it out when it fits so perfectly in this version especially. 



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