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Hi folks, this week's map is the Village Hall (25x25), a gathering place for village folk to hash out their small-town issues, hold out against zombie hoards, or hold chili cook offs (can your party whip up the most magically delicious chili? You overheard Debra from the next village over mention that her cousin got her some brass dragon peppers when on vacation so she thinks she's a shoe-in this year. (DC 16 Nature check tells you that brass dragon peppers are hallucinigetic)). 

Anyway, your alternate versions of this map are Chilly and Ominous! The Ominous version is inspired by Elden Ring's Caelid, which I can only describe as poisonous red hell, while the Chilly version features crisp blue lighting and slight snowy effects- it feels to me like the first freeze of the year, or maybe a magical frost which is intended to ruin the farmers' crops, or herald the arrival of some wintery evil like Witcher 3's Wild Hunt. 



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