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Hello again everyone, this week's map is the Village Creek (35x35), another 'village' map! If you've been around here for a while, you'll know that 'village' and 'city' are two terms I use to describe very different environments. City maps feature more established towns, towns which have cobblestone roads, bigger buildings, harbors, and more shingled roofs, while village maps have more dirt roads, farms, and thatch roofs. I feel like the distinction between the two is worth mentioning, because I would use both for distinctly different scenarios. 

Anyway, I bring this up because, as I mentioned last week, I've decided to make Village maps for a few weeks! I've never put a significant amount of time into this environment, so I'm going to really flesh some things out over the next few weeks and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it. Which locations do you feel are necessary for this environment? I have my thoughts, but I realize that I often work on a different wavelength than most of you, considering more the artistic side than the content itself. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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