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Hello everyone, I'm back again with a new map, the Riverside Camp (25x25)! Extra camp maps will always be handy to have on hand, whether they're camps your party has placed or perhaps ones that they've come across while on their adventures (which I've found to be excellent times to sprinkle in any fun characters you'd like them to meet). 

As for Neutral Party news, my paternity leave is almost over! After this map I have 1 1/2 more ready to post, so I'll be easing my way back in for the final week of the month (likely starting with the growing heap of messages that I've nervously been watching grow for weeks now). After I make one or two of my own design I think it's time I finally put up a new poll, so please submit any and all of your suggestions/recommendations in any way you can!

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here.

Side note: I've redownloaded Pokémon Go again for the first time since launch as an idle way to spend some time and I thought it would be fun to add some of you to my friends list! Here's my friend code: 1825 3241 8379. Cheers!



David James

I really like the mystery that the darkened jungle presents-- really helps set the tone for what lies north