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Hi Experts and Masters! This week's map is one I made back in October, the Arid Boneyard (25x25)! You know by now that I love drawing bones, so it should be plain to see how this one came around, and who doesn't like throwing in some giant bones jutting out of a dune into their desert settings? That's a nice trope that I'd be glad to build some maps to support.

So, your alternate versions of this map are Murky and Glowing, which we will need to discuss. The Murky one is intended as an alternate version of the Adepts' Underwater version, but also featuring more grim lighting and foul green waters. However, I also like the thought of introducing the nasty, swirling green effects as some kind of thick, poisonous fog, perhaps dangerous enough to burn away the meat off of some giant creature and just leave the bones? Could be fun!

And the Glowing version is sorta just something I played around with and enjoyed. If you think it's silly and a little stupid then don't worry, I agree. I don't even know how you could use this map, honestly, but it looks a little cool and makes you think, right? I'd be interested to hear if any of you actually can make use of it, but you Expert/Master patrons have supported my weirder versions in the past, so I hope you do again here!



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