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Hello Expert and Master patrons- this week's map is the Dusty Saloon (26x26), a small and isolated bar in the desert, perfect for bounty hunters to grab a drink or merchants to take a rest. I made this one with shootouts in mind (firebolt shootouts, of course), so there's a little bit of cover outside for your ambushers to peak around and take their shots into the windows. Have fun!

Also, your alternate version of this map are Winter and Sandstorm- two classics for my desert maps. Desert maps turn into Winter maps so easily, it almost seems a shame not to take the opportunity to quickly make it happen. I touched up the saloon too, so it doesn't clash so heavily with the blues outside, but left it feeling warm and cozy with plenty of orange hues. The Sandstorm version is also one I like to auto-include for desert maps, since it's just about the only type of extreme weather you can usually expect there. Maybe use this weather as a way to keep your players inside the building, dealing damage for every round they spend outside, making them roll constitution checks to keep their footing/keep moving, and blinding anyone who isn't wearing eye protection. Fun!



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