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5/17 Update: So sorry about the mixup- I was away from my computer all day yesterday and didn't notice I had uploaded the incorrect files until this morning! Everything is in the correct place now.

Hi Experts and Masters! I'm back again with my second swamp map in a row, the Swamp Ruins (30x30). This one is kinda a throwback to my earlier ruins maps, featuring a number of old and crumbling brick walls among a bunch of trees and rubble, offering a ton of cover for ranged combat. In fact, I laid out the walls in such a way that there aren't a lot of great long distance sightlines available, which will probably really help your sneakier adventurers get into position (if they don't mind getting their feet wet. I think it will be an interesting one!

Your alternate maps this time are Blighted and Stormy, two grim and dark versions which might feel more appropriate for the setting. The Blighted one is a continuation of the one I provided for last week's Swamp Village, offering colors that you might more expect from a swamp- lots of yellows and browns, though you could easily also use this as a sunset version of the base map. The Stormy version felt appropriate somehow, just another way to turn an already unpleasant environment even worse. All kinds of creatures could be lurking in the swampy water, and now they're going to be even hardy to locate under the constantly moving surface and additional noise. Good luck!



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