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Welcome back folks, this week's map is the Jungle Temple (34x34), a collaboration with Alex, the Boy King of Idaho, who made music to accompany this map. Go check out his Patreon when you get a chance, he's made a lot of great music!

Emboldened by the success of the wacky Space version of the Cliffside Village I made last week, this time I applied lava effects and lighting to a jungle map and called it 'Cataclysmic', a hellish effect that looks like the end-times have arrived. Maybe this temple has something to do with it, but either way I'd wager that something terrible is going on somewhere in the world. 

Your 2nd version is a Subdued recoloring, one I haven't made in a little while. This one is somewhere between grim and spooky effects, but with a touch of color still remaining and plenty of day-like lighting. This will fit well into your environments with less lush forests and more dark themes, perhaps for a jungle in the domain of evil druids. 



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