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Hi Experts and Masters, this week's map is the Cliffside Village (30x30), the winner from Poll 11! This is an absolutely terrible place to live, but I bet the people who settled here think it's pretty alright. 

As you can tell, I decided to try something very very different than usual with one of your alternate versions- a Space recoloring/relighting. Admittedly, this is probably one of the least useful maps I have ever made, but I couldn't stop myself once I had painted the pretty starry background. Some of you might notice I based many of the colors off of the scene in the Watchmen graphic novel where Dr. Manhattan is on Mars, with some extra touches which thought felt particularly retro futurist. I really hope some of you like it, I know this isn't the sort of thing many of you want or need but sometimes you gotta try something new, you know?

Your 2nd alternate version is much more reasonable, a straightforward Sunset version. This might be my favorite version of this map, but mostly because of the shade of the water below and how it contrasts with the yellows and oranges of the cliff. If nothing else, you'll probably be able to find use for this!



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