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Hello folks! This week's map is the Jungle Ledge (30x30), a straightforward chunk of jungle which I made as a solid in-between map for your jungle adventures, similar to the Forest Clearing. This one is made in response to a handful of suggestions I received in the comments of the recent poll, which you should check out in order to make sure you already cast your votes. Do it now!

Your extra versions for this map are Fey and Blighted, two spicy additions which drastically change the tone of the encounter. I like to take the opportunity to whip up Fey maps whenever a forest comes up in the lineup, since I rarely get around to making dedicated Fey maps otherwise, so I hope you also appreciate this addition. For this one I took a hard stance and went pretty heavy on the lighting effects, emphasizing the vignette somewhat in an attempt to express a claustrophobic feeling that I think works well with dense or large jungles. 

The Blighted version is just something I felt like whipping up, a more 'toxic' environment than the original which will do well for your cursed or evil forests. I hope you like it!



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