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Hello Experts and Masters! This week I made the Razed Temple (26x26), a demolished temple to any god you feel like where your players were way too late to help. I'm actually not terribly sure what kind of story would lead the party here, maybe something where they're hired to investigate the cause of the fire? Or maybe they can loot or prevent looters from stealing from the rubble? Not too sure, but I bet there are plenty of fun scenarios you can whip up.

Your alternate versions this time are Snowy and Subdued! I don't want you all to think I'm lazy with how I keep making subdued maps, but it felt right for this map to have a less colorful version. To help lean into that, I went a bit harder on the brown-ness of the palette, taking extra steps to get grimy with it. And also, the Snowy version is a iteration of the night version with some somewhat different effects, a light dusting of snow and some cooler, more crisp lighting. I liked the ambiance of this one, so I felt some of you might appreciate it as well. 



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