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Hello everyone, this week I made the Barbarian Village (30x30), a small walled settlement in the woods! When this map was first suggested, the patron who wanted it mentioned that they wanted something like Conan the Barbarian's (the 1982 one with Arnold Schwarzenegger) childhood village, and since I'm a big fan of that movie I was pretty pumped when it did well in the poll.  In the movie, his family lived in a little snowy thatch-roofed hut village, which alone doesn't feel particularly barbarian-y, so I ended up added several additional props in order to build on the prompt, including a big log wall encircling the village. I think it's a neat location that will work well for adventures to attack, defend, or take refuge in, and I think it doesn't limit you to any of these options. 

Also, I've included night versions of this map with both the campfires lit and unlit, which I think is necessary for a map like this. Enjoy!

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here




I love this!


That's actually exactly what I needed for an upcoming idea!


I love these snow maps, help so much with my current home brew campaign


I notice you've somewhat-recently started including dimensions in the folder names. Is it a lot to ask for the file names to include the dimensions? When we upload files to things like Roll20, it would be infinitely useful for the dimensions to be part of the file name! Also-- your snow maps have made me add a snow level to my campaign!!