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I'm back once again with a new city map, the City Boulevard (35x34)! This is my biggest city map yet, which typically don't even get to 30 inches wide or tall, but it felt right for this concept. I expect this will be one of the most used of my urban maps since it fits in pretty easily for any street encounter and can connect to most of the other urban maps in some way, so this should be a solid one to keep on hand when adventuring in any city. 

Your alternate versions this time are two popular suggested variants, Sunset and Subdued! Sunset is a fun one to break out for dramatic standoffs and to show the passage of time, and also can multitask for more autumnal settings, and the Subdued version is perfect for setting the tone of a more dangerous city. Both are extremely useful and helpful for tailoring the map to your adventure, so I hope you like them! 



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