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Hello folks, I'm back this week with the Sailing Ship (24x35), my second attempt at a boat map! This time around I think it came out pretty well, and unlike my last attempt, I thought it was good enough that I didn't need to make it a free map. Then again I'm an artist, not a shipwright, so who knows if this is would be a functional boat, but at the very least I can bet that your players won't know either. Just to be safe, I left the layout pretty open and leaned toward a design that I thought would be fun to play with.

Next week I have something off-schedule lined up now that I've wrapped up the top 3 maps from the last poll. It should go well with #4, the Misty Graveyard, and it's something I haven't made many maps of, so I expect it will be very well received. Be sure to stop by to check it out!

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here!




Please get out of my head. I was literally planning a ship journey surprise encounter to start my new campaign


I just started a "Call from the Deep" campaign and needed ship maps so badly! Thankyouthankyou


The design looks good enough to float the boat, and in fantasy settings, it ain't physics that floats boats. Then again, whatever floats folks' boats, I guess. (runs away)

Patrick Fowlow

I just started Call From the Deep too! Wish I'd had the Ghostly one before I made the Wreck of the Golden Crown map - it will make a great sunken ship map. Check out Maps of the Mad Mage on Reddit - he has done fantastic versions of the Crash, Mine and the Grotto locations.


Your maps are so GOOD!


I know it's been a while since this map but my party has spent 3 sessions on this boat (on and off) and it was SO useful and great! Thank you so much!!!


Would it be possible to have the transparent version align with the grid better? Currently there are grid fractals which makes it hard to align in Roll20.