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Hi Experts and Masters! This week's map is the Razed Street (30x30), a decent-sized patch of ruined city for your players to really let loose without concern for the collateral damage of their fireballs. Maybe they encounter and battle the creature(s) who started the fire, or maybe they missed the party and have to deal with looters digging through the rubble, but either way this is a handy map for the toolbox that I don't doubt you'll find a use for eventually.

Your alternate versions this time are Smokey and Sunset! The smokey version is a slight change, but I think it's nice for adding some obscured visibility and maybe for giving the impression that the devastation is somewhat recent- you're getting this version for both the regular Day and Night.  And the sunset matches many of my other urban sunset maps, which, with their harsh lighting, are excellent at making a map feel much more dramatic than the regular version.



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