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Hi Patrons! This week's map is the Arid Clearing (25x25), not a terribly flashy map but I think it fills a nice niche. And even if rocky/desert maps don't fit into your campaign right now, it can be interesting and exciting to swap environments somewhere down the road, giving your players a chance to test their skills against a fresh roster of unusual enemies. Or you could also just say the night version is in the center of a giant underground cavern, that's a classic. 

Make sure to visit the poll before it closes this Monday! There are a bunch of interesting options up this time, as suggested by Patrons- if you didn't see something on there that you think would be cool, let me know in the comments!

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here!




This is exactly what I need for my next session <3


Seems like a nice "grab for an impromptu encounter" map. :) Maybe could use some ramps from tier to tier, like up in the NW corner? Only real suggestion I'd make.


Love it! With a red tint I can use it for my Planescape very soon. Starting with Well of Worlds, dropping 2nd level characters in Avernus and hoping they make it to Sigil :)


This will fit really well into the desert adventure i'm planning next week. thanks!