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Welcome back everyone, for another poll! Every few months I put together a list of your suggestions and let you vote on which one's you'd like me to make, and since you can vote multiple times feel free to choose every entry that appeals to you. This poll will last until Monday, April 13th, so be sure to cast your vote before then!

Once the voting period is over I'll take the top 50% of maps and start making them in order. This way I can ensure that I'm making only the most exciting or useful maps for most of my Patrons while avoiding the options that gathered the least interest. 

Lastly, when the next poll comes around I'll come back to this post before looking anywhere else. I'll sweep through the comments and gather every suggestion that catches my eye and add them to the poll. Therefore, if you want me to make something someday, let me know in the comments!



Castle with multiple layers would be amazing. Your throne room is a great room within it but to have an epic full castle map would be so good!


I'm a little apprehensive about maps that would take multiple weeks to make, but if that's what the people want then so be it!


I would love a fighting pit Inn, because my party is now in the biggest city on the kingdom and they will have inside encounter for a while but other option are too cool not to vote for.


Oceanside ruins sound DOPE, it would fit in with so many of my campaign ideas


I'm hoping for a dark temple for my homebrew cult!


God, I'd love Underdark Docks considering my party is going to have an encounter there in a few weeks (Gracklstugh, Darklake District) - doesn't look like it's gonna win but something with dwarven touches would be sweet


It's great to see the burnt city street doing well here. In the middle of a Humblewood campaign at the moment and you can never have enough urban areas with some fiery elements. But then all of these sound great....


A rather random but potentially fun map idea to consider for future polls would be a map of a wizard's laboratory table or something similar working on the premise that the characters have been shrunk down to tiny size and have to somehow concoct the cure before the wizard returns and finishes his mad experiments.


Id love an expansion of that Hell's Tax Office map you recently released. Even just a general batch of layered government/office/banking buildings would be something I think every DM wishes they had access to at some point or another. Even better if you could draw in some sort of mission impossible-esque objective like a vault behind a bunch of obstacles, or a boss' office with a huge rubber stamp in a glass case that he uses to approve everything.


What would be the theme of the dark temple? Demon cult, Vampire Lord, Necromancer Lair? A good deity's temple desecrated by an evil cult?


I would like a parapet with a lawn in front and stairs or interior on the other side. It could just be a balcony to more adaptable.


I was thinking I'll try to make it as agnostic as possible, something vague enough that it could serve as a corrupted temple, a temple to an evil god, or just a nasty temple-like place for a baddie to make their home in.


I would love something around cellars/prison as well as a abandoned farm


I'd love to see the burnt street happen, I have a dragon bbeg planned for a campaign, and have an encounter planned for that where my PCs, instead of fighting the dragon, are saving villagers and guards so they can rally later in a boss fight


My next campaign could really use a sigil/portal/signet room. Something like a long-buried temple or otherwise highly magical place that houses at its centre or on a dais seal or a signet. Another map that I don't see too often is a slum. Or to be more specific, favela-style apartments and houses. Streets we already have in abundance. So, perhaps a series of connected houses and rooms that go every which way, creating an urban maze.


I'm all for the social/interior maps personally, they're so rare to find done well!


This! Some love for the tense business deals at noble manors that go wrong? Dinner with Strahd?


I'd like to see more large scale dungeons. There's so few compared to outdoor maps.


Id love to see a shadowfell map. I think making interesting use of a black and white color scheme would be really interesting. (or just a cool idea for some forest variants?)


These are some amazing choices. Really looking forward to them.


Thanks for all of the amazing maps! Your art style is beautiful and the style is amazingly consistent. Excited for your future maps!


There’s plenty of maps available like that if you google them. Also /r/battlemaps is a great resource!


Oh man I have a campaign going rn that could really use a nice shadowfell app... but also that fighting pit in.....


I would love to see some swamp/bayou wilderness and village style maps. Even just revisiting the tree village with swamp vegetation would be great!


I was planning on making the Goblin Lair a bit dungeon-y at least, maybe also the Dark Temple- next time I'll be sure to add a few that will do the job a bit better.