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This week's map is the Volcanic Dungeon (30x30), one that's been on my backburner for a couple months now, using a lot of my original layout for the Alchemist's Lab but with much more dangerous environmental hazards! This spicy dungeon has almost entirely been overcome by the nearby pools of lava, leaving only a few ruined rooms standing for your players to carefully creep or charge headfirst into. 

I'll be putting a poll up tomorrow afternoon, so be sure to stop by! It will be largely made of your suggestions, so this is the best way to send me your input and guide my hand as I create the winning maps for the next several months! 

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here!




It's like you are watching my campaign. Last 4 maps have been exactly what I needed. Fantastic work thank you.


I can use this on Wed. Thanks!


Whoa, this one's gorgeous! The contrast between the dark and light really makes the lava feel like it's glowing!


I used this for our campaign finale last night. Thank you!


This map was just used on The Dungeon Run!! That's flipping amazing!!