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Hello folks! This week's map is the Viking Mead Hall (28x18), a little late but much better due to the delay. I had originally intended for this to come out before November was over, but at the time I was only planning on releasing the building without an outside area. Once I had that much finished I decided there was too little content to justify charging you for it, so I went back and made some more map. 

On top of that, the Expert and Master patrons are getting an alternate grassy version with all the same trees and rocks but with the snow all melted, and the Adepts are getting propless and environmentless (building PNGs) versions of the map so they can do whatever they like with it. 

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here!



Jim Green

This would have been perfect last night! Ran a Christmas one shot where Kain O'Reeves was the surfer dude Ghost of Christmas Present. He presided over a viking mead hall that healed all of my PCs when they finally decided to partake of his feast


Just in time for my campaign. Looks great, thank you!


Another nice one


Perfect for my krampus Christmas game I'm gonna run! Tysm!


Awesome. While I'm running Curse of Strahd at the moment, I'm planning on a Nordic themed campaign so I'll gladly put this in the bank for when that time comes.