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Hello Expert and Master patrons! This week's map is the Alchemist's Lab (24x23), and in addition to the propless version for Adepts, you're getting 2 alternate palettes with and without props and each with their own darkened and lit versions! The particular versions you're getting are Subterranean and Stark, 2 returning styles. 

Subterranean is a hazy and irradiated blue and green palette, doing away with the warm and cheerful browns/oranges of the original. This version could be a cool one to attach to a sewer system as a random encounter in a city, or maybe as the lair of a master alchemist deep in the Underdark. 

Stark is more like the 'Subdued' versions I like to release, but with more of a cold palette that allows for the potions and mushrooms to stand out. I'd place this version high up in the mountains or deep in the tundra, a quiet place where a lone wizard perfects their craft.



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