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Hello Adept, Expert, and Master patrons, and feast your eyes upon yet another Revisited post! If you're new around here, welcome!  In this series, I take your suggestions and revisit a map (or 3) every month, usually in order to redo the weather or add different props, and this time I heard your calls for prop tokens to go along with the Dungeon Tiles from a couple weeks ago. It's a little unusual for these posts but it wasn't a job big enough for a full post or small enough to casually assemble, so I thought it fit the bill.

This set is mostly simple stuff, the kind of generic things I like to pepper around interior areas to make them feel lived-in or particularly ancient. This set's props were gathered from a few of my favorite maps, just simple pieces and props to fill in space or add obstacles, and adapted to the Light and Dark palettes of the Dungeon Tile Pack.  

Let me know if this is something you are all interested in and what kind of props you'd like me to make next- if this is a popular direction for the Revisited series then I'd be happy to keep churning them out!




This is definitely something I would want to see more of!






I agree with the fine people that commented before me!


These have been invaluable in adding personal touches to basic maps I use on virtual Tabletop programs to run game. I actually get more use out of these token packs than individual maps


These are awesome!