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Hello everyone, my map this week is the Island Fort (35x35), a substantial island with a 3 level fort created by one of my favorite mapmaking teams Czepeku! I've always admired their indoor environments, which I think are excellently detailed, so hopefully you guys think this map is as awesome as I do! You can browse their work on Twitter, but I highly recommend patronizing them as well.

Also, we wanted to make sure that anyone who is a patron of both our pages still gets something for supporting each of us, so we've separately made several alternate versions for our patrons exclusively. For all my patrons I've swapped out the island environment for a simple forest with a path cutting through, which should work perfectly with a huge number of my maps. Additionally, I've prepared versions of this map without the fort, just in case you need a little simpler map or have your own ideas for the terrain. 

Adepts can find their post here, and Experts can find theirs here!




I enjoy both your and Czepeku's battle maps but there is a noticeable dissonance between the art style of your terrain and Czepeku's buildings. Is there a better way to marry the two styles or blend it better?


Wow, so cool! I've been wanting to become a patron to cze and peku as well! this just gave me the final push I needed!


I was just about to comment and say that I enjoy the variation of art style, separating by indoor/outdoor is the right blend for me.


Very cool, great teamwork here. I like how you've merged styles.


Fantastic idea and beautifully executed. Keep up the great work!


Fantastic Colab… Thanks for turning me onto Cze & Peku.


I love the forest fort. Do you have a version without cannons? I want to put less modern weaponry on the battlements.