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Hello again Adepts and Experts, I'm back with another Revisited post- the ongoing series where I go back and change up an old map! This time I decided to take one of my more recent maps, Feywild Clearing, and alter it so that it will fit in a bit better with the rest of my regular forest maps, hopefully making it a bit more useful for those who don't need a map of such an alien environment. 

To do so I swapped out the gigantic tree trunks with my regular trees, redid the lighting, and recolored all the pieces of the map to match the rest of my forest maps. I like this sunnier version, though I have to say the original was such an interesting one that I'm sure I'll have to expand on some day. Additionally you'll find that this one comes with the night version, outlines, and an alternate subdued palette version as well, so it will fit in with just about all of the forest maps I've made!

Browse the rest of the Revisited maps by clicking on the tag below, and make sure to tell me your suggestions for next month's Revisited post: I like to take inspiration from your ideas, so don't hesitate to send me a message about what you would like me to do next!




Why are you working in 3k by 3k pixels at 150 DPI, is that the same as working in a 25 inch by 25inch at 300DPI? I've always worked in 300 DPI I'm so confused. You did do anything wrong, this is just new to me.


This could be another one to shift on players with time of day or changing events, making it seem normal initially and then swapping layers to bring out the beautifully lit colors in the Adept version :)


I do so to match Roll20's preferences, where I sell small bundles of maps. That's really all there is to it!