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Hello Adepts/Experts! This week I've got a little more bonus content for you than usual, you're getting 3 alternate versions of this week's map! I had to put this map together rather quicker than usual as I've been in the process of moving so I thought I would make up for making a simple map by giving you all some bonuses, so you're getting ghostly (above), grim, and stormy versions. 

2. Let this be a testament to how quickly I was working this week, I didn't make a rough sketch of this map- I just jumped right into props and outlines. That isn't to say I didn't put any thought into this layout, this is a map I've had in mind for a long time as a solid vanilla environment to go alongside Forest Clearing as a more complicated deep-forest layout. Since my average roadside forest maps are usually pretty rocky with somewhat sparse trees and many big rock ledges I think this will fit the bill much better than the Clearing as a continuation of those maps if your players wander off the path or if an enemy flees into the woods. Also, let's be real, Forest Clearing doesn't much match my current art style. 

3. A fairly regular palette (with a couple tweaks to the rocks' color) and unobtrusive lighting. Some people ask my about my shading on occasion and I always tell them to keep it simple and satisfying; high-effort lighting will win you points with artists and those who appreciate that sort of thing, but bright colors and simple shadows are nice to look at and draw the eye, and better yet most people won't know or care that it took you an hour to do all of it. 




Nice, this'll make for a spooky campsite. A little small to use for much else, but still a handy tool to have in the kit