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Hey there everyone, my map for you this time is the Pagan Altar (30x30), it was from pretty far down the last poll but it's one I've been looking forward to. I made this one to mesh well with my other forested maps so it should seem pretty familiar at a glance; many of you have shown interest in maps with similar palettes and themes so I think you'll find this to be an excellent installment in my roadside forest series! 

I think I've mentioned this before but I sometimes like to have a simple quest in mind when I make a map. This one I made with around a final fight featuring wave-based combat, perhaps the players have to defend a ritual taking place at the altar while waves of vine blights/specters/ettercaps are hungrily drawn to the magic. Either way, you know your NPC quest-giver isn't telling you the whole story, and whatever happens when the ritual completes will not be particularly pleasant. 

If you're an adept patron then this week you get two different extra versions: without the altar/standing stones and with a more subdued color scheme, as well as the configurations of those two. I don't usually do two, but it seemed wrong to make this map without a somewhat grungier palette as an option (altars in the woods tend to mean bad news), and I doubt anyone will complain about bonus alternate versions. 

Adepts can find their post here!




Looks fantastic! Thank you!